Marilyn Romero RN, BSN

Essential Energies Co-Owner, Barbara Brennan Practitioner, Reiki Master, Energy Worker


Phone: 804-965-4533


About Marilyn

Marilyn Romero is a Barbara Brennan Practitioner, Reiki Master, as well as a Registered Nurse. She founded Essential Energies in 2003.

The path to healing is one of self-discovery and awakening, of remembering who we are. There are many modalities that can assist you on your journey home, energy healing is one of them. Energy work is not magic, it simply creates order, clearing, and space that allows for insight, new understanding, new integration, and new opportunities for the traveler. My greatest pleasure is to facilitate the healing of my fellow travelers as we evolve and discover who we truly are.

I offer classes, workshops, and private sessions. See you on the road!  

Finding Center Articles Written By Marilyn:

Author: Marilyn Romero
January, 2022

Peace and Blessings to each of you as we embark on another year together! So what shall we create together? And make no mistake, we will create this year together. Every word, every thought, every action sends energy into the field, and out-of-the-field experience is born. What will be your...

Author:  Marilyn Romero
Septemeber, 2022

Peace and Blessings to each of you as we enter this autumn season. Autumn is traditionally a time of harvest and abundance. In our modern society, it is often a time of reorganizing our lives and a change of focus. Summer vacations are behind us, and many of us...

Author: Marilyn Romero
August, 2023

Once upon a time, there was a woman who thought she knew how everything worked. She knew what she should do, but more importantly she knew what everyone else should do as well. She was very devout in her religion and that fact validated her righteousness in her mind. Even so, she prayed every day to know the face of God. (After all, once she accomplished this, she could be even clearer about what everyone else needed to do.)