Sound Healing

What is Sound Healing?

For thousands of years, cultures around this planet have used music, rhythmic drumming, song, bells, and chanting in ceremonies and religious practice. Islamic, Chinese, Hebrew, Egyptian and Greek cultures used sound to impart cultural wisdom, facilitate altered states of consciousness and heal the sick. Pythagoras believed sound could be used for curing illness, enlightenment or inspiration, and relaxation and meditation. Plato and Aristotle taught their students that sound and music were curative and that disease could be thought of as a condition of
DIS-EASE: being without ease of the body, mind and spirit.

What are the potential benefits?

Sound therapy is effective for states of relaxation and also helping to move through blockages in our bodies connective tissue. It can help stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, and autism. The vibration of the instruments used in a Sound Bath affects our bodies water-based, crystalline structures.

What does a session look like?

Crystal and Tibetan bowls are used to induce a state of relaxation, allowing your mind to rest and your body to use the vibrations to release tension. The deeper sounds come from the Sacred Gong, drumming, bells, and the human voice.Â