Thinning of the Veil
I’m not sure about you, but for me, Autumn has always brought about many feelings. As the wind changes and cooler temperatures settle in, the earth prepares us for quieter times of reflection. For me, these feelings come to a peak around the celebration of All Hallows’ Eve and Samhain (sow-inn). Samhain began in Celtic Paganism and though it has changed in many ways over the years, the honoring of those who have crossed the veil remains an important facet for many of us.
There are many ways to celebrate lives that have gone before us. Some cultures prepare special food for their deceased loved ones. Many of the celebrations and games that people enjoy originated from those early times.
It is said that during this time frame those who have passed may be much more accessible to us. As with many practices preparing ourselves and our spaces to receive communication can be very helpful. The things I recommend are setting a quiet, peaceful space and preparing ourselves through meditation.
A space can be set by simply dimming lights and lighting candles. Some may want to have a picture of their loved one…or by having a memento from them in the space. Of course, having food and drink they particularly loved can’t hurt! ( if you want to reach me…coffee and chocolate should do the trick!) Even if you are not a meditator you can just sit quietly and attempt to clear your mind before being open to “hear”.
Something that I feel is critically important is to surround yourself with light and speak aloud your intention that only good is allowed in your space and anything with bad or evil intent is NOT allowed. All things in nature are in balance…if you believe in a force of good…you must also acknowledge a force of evil. Let them know they are not tolerated or allowed. I know this to be very important in any spiritual practice.
And lastly, be open to hearing…you may receive a message…it may not be from the intended spirit. It may come from someone else that has a message for you and was closer to your space at the time you sat. Hopefully whatever you will experience will bring you comfort, resolution, and peace.
Mary Skupinski
About the Article's Author
Mary Skupinski
Mary has been an RN for 35 years and is a practitioner of Healing Touch, Guided Imagery, Reiki, Meditation, and angel readings.